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On application of optimal control to intelligent manufacturing
di Carlos Maximiliano Giorgio Bort
Sviluppo software/hardware di un modem acustico subacqueo a spettro espanso
di Claudio Tascone
Controller design for a universal power input bi-directional battery charger for plug-in electric
di Emilio Dal Santo
A hybrid DE–PS algorithm for load frequency control under deregulated power system with UPFC and RFB
di Rabindra Kumar Sahu
Embedded system based on a real time fuzzy motor speed controller
di Ebrahim Abd El-Hamid Mohamed Ramadan
Fractional order PID controller design for LFC in electric power systems using imperialist competitive algorithm
di Seyed Abbas Taher
Design, simulation and comparison of controllers for a redundant robot
di Claudio Urrea
DE optimized fuzzy PID controller with derivative filter for LFC of multi source power system in deregulated environment
di Rabindra Kumar Sahu
Design and FPGA-implementation of an improved adaptive fuzzy logic controller for DC motor speed control
di E.A. Ramadan
Neuro-fuzzy inverse model control structure of robotic manipulators utilized for physiotherapy applications
di A.A. Fahmy
Optimal PID control of a brushless DC motor using PSO and BF techniques
di H.E.A. Ibrahim
Dynamic control modeling and simulation of a UPFC–SMES compensator in power systems
di Saravanan Kandasamy
Optimal gravitational search algorithm for automatic generation control of interconnected power systems
di Rabindra Kumar Sahu
Active fault-tolerant control strategy of large civil aircraft under elevator failures
di Wang Xingjian
Fuzzy Life-Extending control of anti-lock braking system
di Ahmed M. El-Garhy
Generalized space vector controls for MLZSI
di Aida Baghbany Oskouei
Design and analysis of differential evolution algorithm based automatic generation control interconnected power system
di Umesh Kumar Rout
II based optimal control scheme of wind thermal power system for improvement of frequency regulation characteristics
di S. Chaine
Regression model for tuning the PID controller with fractional order time delay system
di S.P. Agnihotri
Automatic generation control with thyristor controlled series compensator including superconducting magnetic energy
di Saroj Padhan
Modeling and unified tuning of distributed power flow controller for damping of power system oscillations
di Amin Safari
Dynamic stability enhancement of power system based on a typical unified power flow controllers using algorithm
di M.R. Banaei
A hybrid firefly algorithm and pattern search technique for SSSC based power oscillation damping controller design
di Srikanta Mahapatra
Progetto e sviluppo di un algoritmo di load-balancing di traffico su piattaforma Openflow
di Filippo Ricci
Damping of power system oscillations using imperialist competition algorithm in power system equipped by HVDC
di M.R. Banaei
I più recenti transceiver isolati di sicurezza CAN FD di Analog Devices raggiungono 12 Mbps per reti “a prova di futu
di Paola Milanesi
UPFC with series and shunt FACTS controllers for the economic operation of a power system
di Biplab Bhattacharyya
Intelligent controller for load-tracking performance of an autonomous power system
di Abhik Banerjee
Totale contenuti: 28 - Pagina 1 di 1
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