
Valves for Hydrogen application

Valves for Hydrogen application - Overview on past, up-to-date and future normative requirements

(in lingua inglese)

World's energy system is undergoing profound changes. The EU is planning a decarbonisation path that will see the EU reduce their emissions by up to 95% by 2050.

The conversion of excess electricity to hydrogen (and vice versa) can help facilitate the integration of large shares of
intermittent renewable sources into the electrical grid.

Key challenges and early topics for standardization related to the injection of hydrogen into the natural gas grid have
been identified.

- Hydrogen Overview
- Hydrogen pipeline system (Snam)
- Hydrogen pipeline system (EIGA)
- Recommended Practice for Valves Used in Hydrogen Service (AFPM)
- Hydrogen Piping Experience in Refining - Chevron
- End User Specification for Valves in Hydrogen Service
- Shell, BP, Exxon, Total
- Future development on Hydrogen Specification
- WG19 of CEN TC 69
- Conclusion

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: mcTER Idrogeno - Milano giugno 2022 La filiera dell’Idrogeno in Italia: sostenibilità, incentivi, tecnologie
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