
Settori Hard to Abate, un’opportunità per lo sviluppo della decarbonizzazione legata alla produzione di idrogeno

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Presentazione in lingua inglese
Our Areas of Activity
Food processing : Product Development Test rig for Reliability Improvement
Test Rig : HD Diesel Valve mechanism
Centrifugal pump Test Rig
Centrifugal Pumps - different projects, oil and water

Our Areas of Activity

Special Lab Equipment
- Customized test rigs
- Endurance test rigs

- Specially developed solutions
- Customer's IP
- Proprietary IP

- Design compatibility with Automotive production processes

- Value Engineering
- Structural measurements
- Problem Solving
- Dedicated SW

- Support and resale of high value engineering SW
- Modelon

Food processing : Product Development Test rig for Reliability Improvement
- Process Level FMEA
- Action Prioritization
- Identification of interventions
- Test Bench Design and Construction

Test Rig : HD Diesel Valve mechanism
- Designed for full qualification of engine valve mechanisms indipendently from engine availability
- Multi-cylinder capability: 6 cylinder 13 liter diesel engines for truck applications
- Simulation of gas load on opening valves, expecially for de-compression engine brakes for diesel engines
- Equipped with a ventilation system to avoid unpleasant oil smell
- Measurement in place:
- Valve dynamics: lift, velocity and acceleration, bouncing included;
- Load on rocker arms, if existing, with strain gauges;
- Camshaft torque
- Oil conditioning:
- Temperature, up to 135°C;
- Pressure, up to 10 bar;
- Durability testing
- Cycle automation capabilty for long endurance testing

Centrifugal pump Test Rig
- Conceived for measurement of centrifugal pumps and inlet is always under a positive head.
- Usable up to flow rate of 220 l/min approximately and up to 4 bar delivery pressure.

Centrifugal Pumps - different projects, oil and water
- Centrifugal pump design
-From concept to test
-Established two step validation procedure, dimensioning and CFD simulation
-Procedure is validated by subsequent testing results

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Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: mcTER EXPO ottobre 2024 Cogenerazione oggi: una tecnologia consolidata, pilastro dell'Energy Efficiency First che guarda al futuro
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