
Safety issues in PV systems: design choices for a secure fault detection and for preventing fire risk

(in lingua inglese)

A PV plant is a special generation system in which the presence of DC results in changes to the application of general technical rules. Moreover, if certain electrical faults occur, the system itself can become a possible source of fire. The layout of the system, the grounding of the negative pole of the DC side and the means of protection are all vital concerns affecting the design of a system that accounts for the risk of fire. In this paper, the design solutions provided by different International Standards have been studied and their safety performances compared. The effect of electrical faults in PV systems is significantly governed by these standards and an analysis of the relation between the faults and the related means of protection has been presented.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Fire Safety, 2014
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