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Scheda Benha University
Benha University
8 contenuti di Benha University su Verticale
Resistance of cold-formed steel sections to combined bending and web crippling
Mohamed Salah Al-Din Soliman, Benha University
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer from a heated horizontal cylinder rotating in still air
Reda I. Elghnam, Benha University
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Local bed morphological changes due to oriented groins in straight channels
M.M. Ibrahim, Benha University
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Microstructural and corrosion behavior of Al/SiC metal matrix composites
H.M. Zakaria, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Consolidity analysis for fully fuzzy functions, matrices, probability and statistics
Walaa Ibrahim Gabr, Benha Engineering Faculty
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Investigating the effect of curved shape of bridge abutment provided with collar on local scour
Y. Abdallah Mohamed, Zagazig University
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Effect of electrode material on electrical discharge machining of tool steel surface
Mona A. Younis, Higher Technological Institute
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
A new approach for automatic control modeling, analysis and design in fully fuzzy environment
Walaa Ibrahim Gabr, Benha Engineering Faculty
Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Il più letto
Local bed morphological changes due to oriented groins in straight channels
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