
L'esperienza Ecospray nel trattamento del biogas e nella liquefazione del biometano: realizzazioni e progetti futuri.

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Markets & products: marine, capabilities, renewables, industry
biogas pre-treatment & upgrading

Markets & products

-Research & Development
- Engineering & management
- Equipment manufacturing
- Installation supervision & commissioning
- Training
- Turn-key solutions
- After sales support

- EGCS (open loop & hybrid)
- DeNOx, PM removal
- Onboard Carbon Capture
- Methane slip removal

- Biogas upgrading
- Biomethane liquefaction
- Bio CO2 liquefaction

- Flare gas recovery (separation & liquefaction)
- Pipeline/well gas liquefaction
- Carbon Capture
- Methane slip removal

Biogas pre-treatment & upgrading

Required section to clean raw biogas from main pollutants:
- H2S,
- HCL,
- NH3
Dryer for massive water removal, dehydrating salts or alumina to reduce dewpoint (down to -30°C)

Standard 40 feet container size, welded, wired, ready for installation

Required section to convert biogas in biomethane (capturing CO2):
- Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption technology
- Low costs and consumption of the adsorbent material (synthetic zeolites)
- No hot source needed
- Low consumption thanks to the absence of biogas compression (~0.2 kWh/Nm3 biogas)
- High tolerance on biogas impurities fluctuations.

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Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: mcTER Biometano-Biogas-Biomasse - Milano giugno 2024
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