
IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer solutions

Richiedi informazioni a Remosa

(in lingua inglese)

- Our history
- Our products
- References example

Our history

- IMI VIVO is the brand of IMI plc founded in 2020. It is the center of excellence for Hydrogen products, based in Remosa.
- Remosa S.r.l. is an Italian company founded in 1955, leader manufacturer of valves&actuating system for FCC application.
- In 2022 IMI VIVO and Remosa relocated the production center to a new 16.000m2 factory in Sardinia, Cagliari.
- Estimated Electrolyzers capacity per year >50MW

Our products

IMI VIVO PEM Electrolyzer

- Skid/Containerized turnkey plant solution for P2P, P2G and P2mobility applications
- From 100kW - 5MW power class skids
- Top technology PEM Stack provider
- Power consumption <58kwh/kg H2
- Bespoke Design for Customer specs and Local Regulations
- System design according to ISO22734
- Life assistance service
- Remote digital control

Low Pressure Vessel - Expertise from O&G

- IMI VIVO is specialized in the design and manufacturing of low-pressure vessel for hydrogen storage.
- Fully customized in size, capacity, instrument, flange connections and configuration.
- TYPE I Hydrogen Storage Vessels are metal fabricated, ASME or EN certified, operated at Electroliers' discharge pressure up to 40barg.
- IMI VIVO is the only Electrolyzer producer that manufactures low pressure vessel internally, allowing full customization and fast response time

Real Time Dashboard

- Fully customizable, cloud based, real time monitoring of the Electrolyzer
- The Operators can monitor all parameters: H2 Flow Rate & Pressure, Stack and System efficiency, DC/AC Power consumption, Cooling temperatures, and many more!
- Works from anywhere, only an internet connection is needed
- Available on PC and Mac, Tablet, Smartphone

Attached, you can download the full pdf of the presentation.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2023 Idrogeno oggi e domani: novità tecnologiche, aspetti normativi e opportunità per un mercato in continuo sviluppo
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