
Idrogeno verde: riduzione dei costi di produzione

Come ridurre i costi di produzione dell'idrogeno verde: le proposte Hydep

Richiedi informazioni a Hydep

(in lingua inglese)

- How to reduce the Hydrogen green cost
- Electrolysis Costs
- HyDEP solution to save the BoP costs expected 10% BoP cost reduction
- Temperature & Pressure vs Efficiency
- High Pressure advantages

How to reduce the Hydrogen green cost

We are engaged in two projects with the aim to reducing the green hydrogen production cost:

- AWE.htp

Electrolysis Costs

Actually the electrolysis cost may be divided into:

- POWER consumption for the process
- OPEX (Maintenance)

HyDEP solution to save the BoP costs expected 10% BoP cost reduction
- State of Art
- BoP Stack Integrated
- Advantages


AWE HTP is a new alkaline electrolytic cells approach, designed to work at medium high temperature, in a range between 150 C to 350 C, the water splitting into H 2 and O 2 takes place with an important Thermal Energy contribution, with a consequent increase of Voltage Efficiency, It allows to increase also the gases high Pressure production.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Fiera Idrogeno ottobre 2023 Idrogeno oggi e domani: esperienze concrete e casi applicativi
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