
Elettrolizzatori con criteri automotive

La progettazione degli elettrolizzatori con criteri automotive, riduzione dei costi ed aumento delle pressione operativa fino a 45 bar

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(in lingua inglese)

- Food processing: Product Development Test rig for Reliability Improvement
- Test Rig: HD Diesel Valve mechanism
- Supercharging switchable Intercooler
- Development of H2 production facilities
- "Automotive" Electrolyzer

Test Rig: HD Diesel Valve mechanism

- Designed for full qualification of engine valve mechanisms indipendently from engine availability
- Multi-cylinder capability: 6 cylinder 13 liter diesel engines for truck applications
- Simulation of gas load on opening valves, expecially for de-compression engine brakes for diesel engines
- Equipped with a ventilation system to avoid unpleasant oil smell
- Measurement in place: Valve dynamics: lift, velocity and acceleration, bouncing included; Load on rocker arms, if existing, with strain gauges; Camshaft torque
- Durability testing: Cycle automation capabilty for long endurance testing

Supercharging switchable Intercooler

- Supercharged Marine engine;
- Same tube stack used in mechanical super-charging mode and turbo-charging mode;
- Automatic transition of routing valve
- Activities: Conception; Design; CFD optimization; Industrialization; Prototyping
- Production started in 2014

Attached, you can download the full pdf of the presentation.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: mcT Oil & Gas novembre 2023 Oil&Gas, decarbonizzazione e ruolo dell'idrogeno nel futuro energetico industriale
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