
Efficientamento energetico: Ottimizzazione degli asset informatici a dispositivi di supporto al funzionamento dei datacenter

Efficientamento Energetico cos'è?

Efficientamento Energetico cos'è?
- È la capacità di usare meno energia per svolgere lo stesso compito o produrre lo stesso risultato.
- E' la capacità di ottenere un determinato risultato consumando meno energia.
- Questo concetto chiave riguarda l'ottimizzazione dell'uso delle risorse energetiche, garantendo prestazioni migliori con un impiego minore di energia.
- E' la capacità di un sistema di assicurarsi un risultato migliore utilizzando meno energia rispetto ad altri sistemi.

Sustainable Operations in Data Centers, Market Trends & Driving Forces
- 4% of the global carbon emissions are contributed by datacenters. Hence a top priority across the operations
- 2% of the world's estimated electricity is used by Data centers
- 70% of total data center operating costs is spent on electricity
- 50x more energy consumption per floor space than the average commercial building.

Customer Pressure Points & Imperatives

Pressure Points
- Reliability and Uptime of critical Facilities and IT equipment
- Sustainability Impact of energy, water, and hazardous waste intensive assets and operations
- Capex and Opex Requirements to handle growing data center workload and demand

- Ensure Critical Asset Availability and Performance
- Increase Ops and Energy Efficiency and Productivity
- Reduce Operating Costs and Complexity
- Extend Economic Life of Assets and Equipment
- Achieve Sustainability Targets

Maximo Application Suite
- Best-of-class Asset Lifecycle Management solution, powered by AI
MAS ALM Value:
- Assets: Extend the life and increase the productivity
- People: Increase productivity
- Costs: Reducing the cost of maintenance
- Risks: Managing risk associated with availability

- All facility Asset Classes - Chillers, HVAC, Generators, Air Handling Units, UPS , Batteries, AC, Heat Exchangers...
- Maintenance operations efficiency
- Work order management with AI enabled mobile technicians
- Predictive & condition-based maintenance w/optimized schedules
- Increased asset performance and life span
- Continuous monitoring with asset health scoring
- Automated sensor-driven inspections - Anomaly detection
- Visual Inspections with computer vision AI models
- Procedural mobile inspection checklists

IBM Envizi helps organization harness the power of data and analytics to achieve their sustainability goals

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Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: SAVE ottobre 2024 La sostenibilità energetica nei datacenter nell'era dell'intelligenza artificiale
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