
Efficiency of celeriac fertilization with phosphorus and potassium under conditions of integrated plant production

(in lingua inglese)

1. The most favorable productivity coefficient and agronomic effectiveness were reached when 300 and 400 kg of the slow-acting fertilizer was used along with additional fertilization with ammonium nitrate. In the conventionally fertilized treatments, values of these parameters were several times lower.
2. In variants with combination of fertilization with slow-acting fertilizers and conventional ones, the value of the phosphorus removal coefficient reached a level of above 1.5, whereas in the case of potassium that value exceeded.
3. The area where the research was conducted was determined to have very low fertilization efficiency. This can be seen in treatment 11 which was fertilized according to the production practice.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Articolo Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2015
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