
Condition monitoring e Meta-MES

Il ruolo di un Meta-MES nel condition monitoring

(in lingua inglese)
Condition Monitoring main Ingredients
Service-oriented Manufacturing
Data Integration Hub

Condition Monitoring main Ingredients
- Industrial IoT (industrial network, smart sensors)
- Service-oriented Manufacturing architecture (models of production systems, data integration hub, Meta-MES)
- Data analytics (fault models, statistical analysis, machine learning)

Systems Modeling Language (SysML)
- Elementary modeling entity: diagrams
- Supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of systems and systems-of-systems

Service-oriented Manufacturing
- Service: a functionality provided by a machine
- E.g., a manufacturing task
- Services are executed on-demand
- Production recipe as a set of services

SoM Benefits
- Reusability Business logic is divided into services shared among multiple applications
- Easily maintained Since all services are independent, they can be easily modified and updated without affecting other services.
- Promotes interoperability. The use of a ESB allows to easily transmit data between applications and services regardless of the languages they're built on.
- High availability SOA facilities are available to anyone upon request
- Composability Collections of services can be coordinated and assembled from composite services to build more complex services
- Autonomy Services have control over the logic they encapsulate
- Scalable Services can be replicated on multiple instances, increasing scalability

Data Integration Hub
- Prerequisite: a plant equipped with OPC-UA servers providing:
- equipments status
- by native or custom OPC-UA servers
- environment data (IoT and Industrial IoT)
- Goal: monitor, log, analyze and control the plant status
- Our solution:
- OPC-UA Data Integration Hub that relies on Kubernete

Architecture Goals
- OPC-UA servers monitoring
- Multi-protocol support for data ingestion
- Data logging
- data analytics and filtering
- Data upload to different cloud providers (hybrid cloud approach)
- Provide a unique interface to access data
- Recipe execution and scheduling on supported equipments

Manufacturing Execution System
Functional layer between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and process control systems
? ERP focuses on creating and managing plant schedules including production
? MES, focuses on managing and monitoring manufacturing operations and reporting on production line activities in real- time
? ERP and MES create an integrated ecosystem, offering a complete view of the entire manufacturing.
? Essential in today's competitive and rapidly changing manufacturing environment
? Track and document the transformation of raw materials into finished goods
? Manage, monitor, synchronize the execution of real-time, physical processes involved in manufacturing operations
? Coordinate the flow of work orders with production scheduling and enterprise-level systems line ERP or product lifecycle
management PLM systems
? Enable the control of multiple elements, such as inventory, personnel, machines, etc..

The presentation continue with overview on:
- Meta-MES in the pyramid
- Meta-MES Overview
- From Standard Recipes to 3-layer Recepies
- Hybrid Scheduling
- Dynamic Assignment

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: MCMA ottobre 2022 Condition monitoring e manutenzione preventiva 4.0
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