
CFD calculations on the unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of a tilt-rotor in a conversion mode

(in lingua inglese)

VBM/RBM solvers are developed in this work to predict the flowfield around a tilt-rotor in a conversion mode. The developed solvers are validated through comparing the calculated results with the available experimental data. The solvers are also used to investigate the effects of different flight modes on the tilt-rotor flowfield. A combination of the moving-embedded grid methodology and the AIM methodology can account for the rigid blade motions in a conversion mode, and is shown to be effective and robust in searching for the corresponding donor elements and getting the interpolated data for the information communication among different calculation zones. The proposed multi-layer movingembedded grid technique is capable of capturing effectively the unsteady characteristics of the flowfield of the tilt-rotor in a conversion mode.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Articolo Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2015
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