
Assessment of sideband energy ratio technique in detection of wind turbine gear defects

(in lingua inglese)

In this paper, three typical examples of gear faults for wind turbine gearboxes were presented as case studies. They provided an overview of the significance of SER as a gear health condition indicator. The capture, analysis and trending of SER, which accompanied many classes of gear faults has proven to be an effective diagnostic tool for gear fault detection and severity assessment in wind turbine gearboxes. Case study #1 and Case study #3 reveals that SER was a reliable defect monitoring parameter for tracking gear defect progression in broken gear tooth failure and gear tooth crack respectively. The proportional increase in SER with gear defect progression was clearly visible.

Articoli tecnico scientifici o articoli contenenti case history
Fonte: Articolo Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2015
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